Food For Thought - Prologue

Food Diary - A prologue

About the nutritionist and the housekeeper

“So, we’re going to try and keep a food diary.” She jotted something down on paper. By “we” she meant me. I was going to keep a food diary. The task seemed daunting and highly judgmental. I didn’t want to do it. She looked up at me. Toward me. I was pretty sure she wasn’t seeing me.

She said, “Write down everything that you eat this week, and we will look at it next week when we meet again.”

“So you mean, every time I eat something, you want me to write it down?” I heard myself say this, knowing that I must’ve sounded absolutely ridiculous.

She nodded.

My counselor referred me to a nutritionist after deciding that I needed to speak to someone else about my restrictive eating habits.

“I need to make sure that your health is in order before we can move forward with your trauma work” she explained.

I understood, however, the nutritionist didn’t fully grasp that it wasn’t even about the food. It was never about the food. Her calorie counting and weight-gain-goal approach to my disordered eating was not going to help me at all. I wasn’t sure what to tell her, she seemed like she had good intentions.

I had learned at this stage in my life that good intentions, no matter how good, weren’t always enough. I needed someone that truly understood what I was going through, and she was not that person. As a matter of fact, I wanted to tell her that keeping a food diary was making me want to restrict more. I wanted to tell her that I was going to either come back with a blank diary, or worse, a forged diary. I was preparing to lie and I hadn’t even left the office yet.

“Let’s get on the scale” she said.

I didn’t want to, but I knew that this ritual meant that the office visit would soon be over. I walked over to the scale, removed my shoes, and stepped onto the platform, turning my back to the weights. I heard the soft clanging of the metal bars behind me, and a frustrated sigh escaped from the nutritionist.

She said, “You weigh less than last week. I don’t understand.”

I hopped off the scale and slipped on my shoes. I already knew that. I had gotten in the habit of weighing myself at home, something I never did before I started seeing her. I didn’t even like weighing myself, however, I felt the need to please this woman that I barely knew.

This whole situation kind of reminds me of the time I hired a housekeeper because my house was so out of control. I couldn’t keep up. But, before she came, I would tidy up so that she wouldn’t have to see the real issue. I would toss clutter in drawers, making sure there were no visible signs of what may be perceived as laziness. The shame of feeling like I was totally capable of cleaning my home, but was neglecting to do so, was so overwhelming that I would actually clean my house before the housekeeper would arrive. It was my attempt to fix what I had messed up, before anyone found out how messy I really was. How messy my life was. I was hiding.

I guess weighing myself was my way of “tidying up” before my appointment. I would even try to cram in a few extra calories to see if I could “fix” my weight before I had to see the nutritionist. I knew that these appointments were a waste of time for both of us. I was still restricting between visits, which meant I wasn’t meeting her weight goals. I would binge for a few days prior to the appointment in an attempt to make weight.

Tidy up.

This song and dance went on for months; me trying to please her; and her, trying to figure out where she had gone wrong. The problem was that we weren’t addressing the underlying issue. Like my messy house, I didn’t know how to maintain between visits. I would fall right back into my sloppy habits whenever I wasn’t being watched. Clutter would gather, and I would “binge clean” in order to hide my inability to keep up. Eventually, I stopped calling the housekeeper to come because I felt like I was wasting her time and my money. I knew that it wasn’t about the clutter, or even my cleaning habits for that matter. It was something else altogether. And until I got that under control, nothing would ever change.

Restricting. Clutter. Tidying up. Binging. Hiding.

I returned to the nutritionist’s office the following week with my food diary. It was difficult, but I managed to write down what I ate for an entire week. She flipped through the pages, frowning the whole time.

She said, “I like some of your choices.”

I heard, “You need to make better choices.”

She suggested we give it another week and motioned over to the scale. This went on for about a month or so. I stopped bringing the diary. I had fallen back into restricting and most of the pages were blank anyway. I didn’t want to show her an empty diary. The scale was telling enough. I realized that no matter how much I tried to “tidy up” and “binge clean”, I was never going to get better if we didn’t fix the underlying reason for my mess. We had to clear the clutter. Eventually I stopped seeing the nutritionist.

At the next visit with my counselor, she asked me how my visits with the nutritionist were going.

“I quit going.” I told her.

“Okay” she said. She didn’t say anything else, just waited for me to continue.

“It’s not about the food.” I stated.

“Okay” she said.

How to Adapt Yoga for Seniors


Submitted by: Harry Cline, Author of The A-Z Home Care Handbook: Health Management How-Tos for Senior Caregivers.

One of the best things about yoga and meditation is that they work for such a wide variety of people. Health, flexibility and calmness are not ideals that are restricted by age, size or gender, so as a senior, you have just as much potential with yoga as anyone. Here are a few tips on how to claim the benefits of yoga and meditation for yourself:

Balancing Fitness and Self-Care

Photo Credit: Pexels

Photo Credit: Pexels

Do You Know How to Balance Fitness with Self-Care? If Not, You’ll Want to Read This!

Have you started a new fitness routine? If so, you should be proud of taking a healthy step forward in your life, but is fitness all you need to thrive? While staying fit can definitely help you stay healthy, you need self-care to really let yourself prosper. Balance your workouts with self-care using these transformative tips.


Submitted by Sheila Olson: Sheila Olson has been a personal trainer for five years. She believes the best way to achieve physical fitness and good health is to set and tackle small goals. She encourages her clients to stay positive and incorporates mindfulness and practices for reducing negative talk into her sessions. She created to spread the word about her fitness philosophy.


How the Opioid Epidemic has Effected the Sickle Cell Patient: A Think Piece

I was listening to a Sunday afternoon radio talk show that was hosting a local sickle cell advocacy group. The spokesperson was discussing how sickle cell research is one of the most underfunded research topics. The radio host asked why and the spokesperson said, “I have my theories.” I wanted her so badly to say that it was because of the healthcare disparities that plague our nation.

How Depression and Anxiety Effect Heart Disease

In the blog entry, I'm already Great, I talk about how I experienced heart palpitations while working in a stressful environment. I'd heard the saying "stress kills", but never did I take it as seriously as I did the day my heart started racing and would not stop. I seriously thought I was dying. Here I am, a cardiac nurse, who didn't even know that you could actually die from being stressed out. My cardiologist told me I needed to quit my job, which I did nearly immediately. I wasn't about to let my job kill me. I have things to do.

That Time I "Got Read" by a Complete Stranger

So I only learned the term “getting read” recently when I discovered a podcast called The Read, which I enjoyed for all its mindless banter. They tickled me. At the end of each episode the host and hostess basically picked a topic that made their teeth itch, and would tell the irritating or insulting person or people about how awful they were. Nobody was safe. Random flight attendants. Celebrities. Anyone could get it. And I would listen and laugh because I thought it was funny.

I'm Already Great!

“You’re going to be great someday, “ she said. I was sitting across the desk from this blonde-haired, hazel-eyed woman. We were practically the same age, but I was aware that I looked probably 10 years younger than her. No lie. I wondered if she noticed it too. I wonder if she realized that I would never age as quickly as she did.  We both had our Master’s Degrees. We both taught on a collegiate level in a bachelor of nursing program. We were both mothers, married nearly the same length of time. She was no better than me.

Definitely Listening

Have you ever wondered if anyone is listening? I have. And I don’t mean just with their ears. Like, is anyone paying attention to the inflections in my voice, or lack there of? Is anyone concerned that I am not able to accept a compliment? Does anyone worry that I seem to not find enjoyment in anything? People ask, “how are you doing”, but don’t really want to know the answer. They aren’t listening. They stare at their phones while you tell them about how you haven’t eaten much this week. They then complain about how they have no Wi-Fi service, and ask are you able to connect. Connect. Of course, the answer is no.

I haven’t been able to connect in years.